Myrtle Anne Ramos: Pioneering Techpreneur and Visionary Marketer

Myrtle Anne Ramos | Founder and CEO | Block Tides
Myrtle Anne Ramos | Founder and CEO | Block Tides

Transforming Industries with Innovation and Impact!

In an era defined by rapid technological advancements, being passionate about technology is akin to being captivated by the possibilities of a boundless universe. Technology has become an integral part of our daily lives, reshaping the way we communicate, work, and live. For those who harbor a deep passion for the digital realm, the journey is an exhilarating one, filled with constant learning, innovation, and the excitement of a digital revolution.

One such tech enthusiast is Myrtle Anne Ramos. Her fascination with technology ignited during her childhood, when her innate curiosity led her to explore its endless possibilities. As she grew older, her passion for technology only intensified, becoming an unyielding force that would shape her career path and lead her to become a trailblazing entrepreneur in the tech industry.

With a remarkable eight-year stint as a technical and sales executive in the corporate world, Myrtle’s experience became the foundation for her entrepreneurial aspirations. Working with prestigious companies like Apple EMEA, she served as a Technical Support Advisor, solving clients’ technical challenges and guiding them through Apple’s products and services. This role provided her with valuable insights into client requirements and the profound significance of delivering impeccable service in the ever-evolving technology industry.

The next chapter in Myrtle’s journey took her to Godaddy, where she thrived as an Account Executive and later as a Senior Quality Analyst at Her commitment to excellence in customer service was unwavering, and she sought to enhance the customer experience by leveraging data and implementing innovative tech and sales strategies. Through these roles, she honed her skills in technology-related customer service and quality assurance, further solidifying her expertise in the field.

Armed with her invaluable experiences, Myrtle Anne Ramos embarked on her entrepreneurial odyssey, transforming her passion for technology into a thriving business. As the Founder and CEO of Block Tides, Myrtle’s vision and leadership have led to remarkable achievements in the blockchain, crypto, and metaverse industries. She has raised over $5.4 million and is celebrated as an official influencer of CoinMarketCap, solidifying her position as a pioneering force in these cutting-edge realms.

Moreover, Myrtle’s journey has garnered recognition and accolades from various prestigious platforms. Her expertise as a branding and marketing expert has earned her accolades in global outlets. As a successful businesswoman and philanthropist, she remains dedicated to creating a positive impact through innovation, hard work, and determination.

Let us delve deeper into her tech-driven journey!

Pioneer: Empowering the Blockchain Industry through Innovation and Impact

Myrtle’s fascination with blockchain technology blossomed during her tenure in the corporate realm. While working in diverse capacities like community manager, social media manager, and investor relations representative for multiple blockchain enterprises as a side gig, she sought to immerse herself in this burgeoning industry. These opportunities enabled her to amass comprehensive knowledge of the blockchain sector, glean valuable insights into its potential, and establish a robust network of influential connections within the field.

In 2016, inspired by the transformative power of blockchain technology, Myrtle took the bold step of founding Block Tides. Initially, it centered on organizing events for the blockchain community, providing an invaluable platform for sharing information and fostering collaboration. The ultimate goal was to encourage cooperation among blockchain professionals, business owners, and enthusiasts, thereby accelerating the adoption and exploration of blockchain opportunities.

Under her visionary leadership, Block Tides achieved its mission, forged strategic alliances, and assembled an exceptional team. In 2020, a strategic decision was made to transform it into a comprehensive marketing agency exclusively catering to the blockchain and cryptocurrency industry.

This strategic pivot allowed Block Tides to address the growing demand for effective advertising and public relations services within the dynamic blockchain landscape. The objective was to assist blockchain companies in building their brands, expanding their customer bases, and promoting their products. Since its inception, it has proven successful in helping clients raise over $20 million through targeted marketing campaigns, investor relations endeavors, and community-building initiatives.

Myrtle played a pivotal role in propelling Block Tides’ growth and progress. She collaborates closely with clients to grasp their unique value propositions and target audiences, devising tailor-made marketing strategies to effectively communicate their messages and set them apart in the fiercely competitive blockchain realm.

Beyond her role at Block Tides, Myrtle embarked on various technology-related entrepreneurial ventures. In 2021, she co-founded the blockchain gaming platform PlaceWar, aiming to amalgamate cutting-edge blockchain technology with gamers’ beloved pastimes to deliver a fresh and exhilarating experience. Through the backing of seed investors, private investors, and the sale of non-fungible tokens (NFTs), PlaceWar secured an impressive $5 million in funding to support its development and launch.

In 2023, following PlaceWar’s acquisition by GuruGames, a prominent player in the gaming industry, Myrtle stepped down as the platform’s Co-Founder. The alliance with GuruGames granted access to additional resources and capabilities, propelling the PlaceWar platform to new heights and commencing an exciting new chapter of growth.

Throughout her entrepreneurial journey, Myrtle encountered both challenges and opportunities. These experiences fortified her resolve, adaptability, and comprehension of how technology can disrupt traditional markets. Agility and adaptability are paramount traits for success in the technology industry, especially within the blockchain and cryptocurrency space.

As a leader, Myrtle embraces these responsibilities driven by her passion for blockchain technology and her aspiration to drive its widespread adoption. Witnessing the expansion of blockchain companies and contributing to the advancement of this game-changing technology brings her an overwhelming sense of fulfillment and achievement.

Looking ahead, she eagerly anticipates pushing the boundaries of her company and making a lasting impact in the digital realm. She firmly believes that by thinking creatively, collaborating effectively, and deeply understanding client needs, the full potential of technology can be unleashed, leading to substantial positive change in the world.

Fueling Innovation and Fostering Thriving Communities

The exploration of blockchain, cryptocurrency, and the metaverse has been an exhilarating odyssey fueled by Myrtle’s unquenchable thirst for knowledge and her profound passion for cutting-edge technologies. These transformative sectors are reshaping social dynamics, economic systems, and the trajectory of the future, and she eagerly awaits witnessing their continued development and boundless potential. The spirit of disruption and change embodied by blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and the metaverse has always captivated her, driving her relentless pursuit of advancement in these realms.

The Block Tides team takes immense pride in their role in nurturing thriving communities centered around their platform. They have diligently cultivated a supportive environment that propels the progress of blockchain, cryptocurrency, and the metaverse. Moreover, they have embraced a significant commitment to charitable causes.

  • They have successfully raised money from private investors, seed investors, and NFTs to support startups and businesses in the blockchain, cryptocurrency, and metaverse.
  • They are passionate about empowering Filipinos and women in tech and have been working hard to promote these causes through educational content, webinars, programs, events, and collaborations.
  • They believe in the power of collaboration and original thought and are committed to helping these industries grow and improve people’s lives.

Art of Business Development & Effective Marketing

Throughout Myrtle’s illustrious career, she has amassed a wealth of knowledge and hands-on experience in the domains of public relations, marketing, and business development, recognizing their pivotal role in driving the success of any enterprise. Her expertise in business development encompasses identifying opportunities, forging strategic partnerships, and devising growth plans. Leveraging her acumen, Myrtle has been privileged to support businesses in expanding their horizons, penetrating new markets, and unleashing their full potential. With a keen eye for market research and analysis, she has steered companies toward lucrative development prospects while adapting to the ever-changing preferences of consumers. She has witnessed firsthand how transformative initiatives like mergers and acquisitions, strategic alliances, and innovative product development can revolutionize businesses, catapulting them to unprecedented heights.

In the realm of effective marketing, Myrtle has observed that the results include increased brand recognition, the generation of new leads, and the fostering of customer loyalty. As a seasoned marketer, she has borne witness to how businesses can flourish by identifying their unique market niche and skillfully communicating with their target audience. By analyzing consumer trends and behaviors, she has played a pivotal role in guiding companies toward becoming leaders in their respective markets while crafting compelling selling points. Myrtle’s meticulous approach to marketing tactics has proven to be exceptionally advantageous for businesses, and she has implemented a range of successful strategies, including but not limited to the following:

  • Creativity and concept of eye-catching marketing campaigns.
  • Strategies for organic growth of digital platforms and social media.
  • Generation of new leads and sales.

Investing in public relations (PR) is paramount for managing a company’s public image and reputation effectively. By strategically cultivating trust, credibility, and positive relationships with stakeholders, PR campaigns play a crucial role in shaping public opinion and handling crises. Myrtle’s expertise allows her to leverage these campaigns to influence public perception positively and build a strong reputation. When executed adeptly, PR initiatives can bolster brand awareness, foster client loyalty, and enhance overall brand value. By actively engaging with clients, investors, and the broader public, businesses can elevate their standing and image within the market.

Innovation and adaptability are key for organizations to thrive, but they must first grasp the desires and requirements of their target market. This understanding empowers them to tailor their offerings and approaches to meet the ever-evolving needs of their audience.

Investing in the Extraordinary

Myrtle’s primary focus lies in identifying companies that operate in markets with promising growth potential, creating opportunities for new entrants to make a significant impact. She is particularly drawn to companies that offer a unique value proposition; She gets thrilled by ideas that make her say, “Why didn’t I think of that?” I’m looking for companies that offer something innovative and different, whether it’s groundbreaking technology or a creative twist on an existing solution. Uniqueness is like a magnet, attracting customers and setting the company apart, expressed Myrtle.

When evaluating potential investments, Myrtle places immense importance on the team behind the venture. She meticulously examines the founders’ experience, expertise, and ability to execute their business plans. Her preference is to invest in passionate individuals who possess the drive and determination to bring their vision to fruition, even in the face of challenges. To her, assembling a robust team is akin to forming a powerful ensemble, akin to the Avengers of entrepreneurship.

Myrtle finds a great fortune in combining her work with her passions. She derives immense pleasure from investing in industries or sectors that align with her interests and expertise. This enables her to offer value beyond the capital, leveraging her experience and network to support the companies she invests in. As an investor, Myrtle transcends being merely a financial partner; she offers mentorship and guidance to the founders, sharing her industry knowledge and experience. Acting as a compass, she guides them through uncharted waters, helps them overcome obstacles, and assists in making informed decisions. She understands the potency of networking in the business world and harnesses her connections to introduce the company to potential customers, strategic partners, and influential figures within the industry. Through this, she opens doors and creates opportunities, enabling the company to tap into invaluable resources and broaden its horizons.

Above all, Myrtle acknowledges the significance of providing long-term support. Building a successful company necessitates time and dedication, and she remains steadfast in her commitment to the companies she invests in. By maintaining regular communication with the founders and offering support whenever needed, she assumes the role of a trusted ally, ready to lend a helping hand throughout their journey.

Driving Positive Change

Myrtle’s active engagement in the EC-Council Advisory Board and the International Council of E-Commerce has profoundly influenced her outlook on the industry and her ability to effect positive change. Through these engagements, she has had the privilege of collaborating with industry experts, thought leaders, and innovators, which has opened doors to invaluable insights and opportunities.

One of her most inspiring ventures was co-authoring a whitepaper titled “How Blockchain Technology Can Enhance IoT Security” in partnership with EC-Council. This collaborative effort allowed her to delve deep into the potential of blockchain technology in fortifying the security of IoT systems. By harnessing their collective expertise and insights, the objective was to provide essential guidance to businesses and individuals interested in leveraging blockchain to address IoT vulnerabilities.

The whitepaper served not only as a conduit for knowledge-sharing but also as a means to raise awareness and drive positive change in the industry. By spotlighting the advantages and potential applications of blockchain technology in securing IoT, the ultimate goal was to empower organizations to embrace more resilient and robust solutions, thus fostering a safer and more dependable IoT ecosystem.

All in all, Myrtle’s involvement with advisory boards has enriched her perspective, expanded her professional network, and afforded her a platform to make a positive impact. It has enabled her to contribute to the advancement of the industry, share her knowledge and insights, and collaborate with like-minded professionals who share her passion for driving positive change in the realms of e-commerce and cybersecurity. She eagerly anticipates continuing this journey and exploring new avenues to further contribute to the industry’s growth and security.

Guiding the Crypto Community

As an official influencer of CoinMarketCap, Myrtle’s role revolves around delivering top-notch content and insightful analyses of the cryptocurrency market. Her affiliation with CoinMarketCap has significantly enriched her understanding of the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrencies.

Having been recognized as the Top 1 Editor’s Pick and Best Quality KOL in August 2021, along with receiving the #2 Social Media Engagement Award in July 2021, serves as strong motivation for her to continue providing valuable content and engaging with the crypto community. These accolades reinforce her dedication to offering high-quality information, in-depth analysis, and valuable insights to help individuals navigate the complexities of the cryptocurrency market.

Participating in CoinMarketCap’s Learn and Earn program has offered her the opportunity to create content for various projects like Iotex, Sushi Swap, Cybertino, Crust Network, and The Sandbox Game. By generating content for these projects, her aim is to educate users about their unique features, use cases, and potential benefits. This hands-on experience further deepens her comprehension of different cryptocurrencies and their underlying technologies, as well as the diverse ecosystem surrounding them.

CoinMarketCap’s Alexandria platform serves as a valuable space for sharing knowledge and facilitating learning. By contributing to this platform, Myrtle disseminates educational content, insights, and research to a broader audience. Her role as an official influencer of CoinMarketCap has significantly influenced her understanding of the cryptocurrency market, providing exclusive opportunities to collaborate, learn from industry experts, and engage with a passionate community.

Through content creation, project collaborations, and knowledge sharing, Myrtle endeavors to contribute to the growth of the crypto ecosystem and assist individuals in making well-informed decisions in this dynamic and rapidly evolving industry.

For Myrtle, being recognized as an “Influencer” entails a responsibility that surpasses seeking popularity or fame. It involves a commitment to delivering value, knowledge, and guidance to the community she engages with. As a “True influencer,” she comprehends the impact she can have on her audience and takes this responsibility seriously.

She prioritizes the quality and authenticity of her content, providing well-researched information, thoughtful insights, and balanced perspectives. Her focus lies in offering educational resources, aiding others in navigating complex topics, and empowering individuals to make informed decisions.

Being an influencer entails recognizing the significance of continuous learning and personal growth. It involves utilizing social media platforms and influence responsibly to empower others and cultivate a supportive and knowledgeable community. Myrtle embraces this role with enthusiasm, aiming to make a positive impact and foster a vibrant crypto community.

Weaving Eco-friendly Art with Nature’s Beauty

In her creative journey, Myrtle places a profound emphasis on sustainability, meticulously choosing eco-friendly materials. Nature and the universe serve as her boundless sources of inspiration, with their landscapes, flora, and fauna igniting her creativity. Through her artistry, she seeks to encapsulate the very essence of the natural world, evoking a sense of wonder and admiration. Her heartfelt aspiration is to not only inspire others but also to foster healing, encouraging individuals to forge a deeper connection with the environment and recognize its intrinsic worth. For Myrtle, conveying environmental messages is a collective responsibility, and she takes proactive steps by initiating projects, making donations, and tirelessly working to raise awareness about crucial sustainability issues such as conservation, climate change, and the plight of endangered species.

Navigating the Entrepreneurial Rollercoaster

Throughout her entrepreneurial journey, Myrtle has encountered numerous formidable challenges that have tested her resilience and determination. With each hurdle, she has gleaned valuable insights and honed strategies to overcome them.

One notable challenge she faced was getting entangled in overthinking and analysis paralysis. As an entrepreneur, the multitude of decisions and possibilities can be overwhelming. To surmount this obstacle, Myrtle adopted a structured approach. Setting clear goals, gathering relevant information, seeking counsel from mentors, and trusting her instincts were crucial steps. By breaking tasks into manageable steps and taking calculated risks, she was able to forge ahead and make tangible progress.

Imposter syndrome, that nagging feeling of self-doubt, also posed a genuine hurdle for her. To address this, she focused on acknowledging and celebrating her accomplishments. Building a supportive network of mentors and like-minded individuals provided her with encouragement and motivation. Additionally, she continually sought opportunities for personal and professional growth, bolstering her confidence in her capabilities.

The rollercoaster nature of entrepreneurship often brings periods of stagnancy, where progress appears to stall and motivation wanes. To combat this, Myrtle sought inspiration from other entrepreneurs, industry leaders, and innovators. Participating in conferences, workshops, and networking events kept her abreast of emerging trends and technologies. Embracing a growth mindset, she consistently pursued new knowledge, adapted her strategies, and explored innovative approaches.

Rejection, an inevitable aspect of the entrepreneurial journey, presented its own set of challenges. Whether facing investor refusals, customer skepticism, or market setbacks, she cultivated resilience and a growth mindset. She reframed rejection as an opportunity to learn and improve. Each setback became a stepping stone toward eventual success. By remaining persistent, embracing feedback, and prioritizing continuous improvement, she transformed rejections into invaluable lessons, propelling her forward.

Lastly, the realms of communication, conflict resolution, and team morale management were demanding. To tackle this challenge, Myrtle invested time in enhancing her leadership and communication skills. She fostered an environment of open and transparent communication, nurturing a positive work culture and offering opportunities for professional development. By cultivating strong relationships with her team members, she fostered an atmosphere of trust and collaboration.

Entrepreneurship is undoubtedly a journey laden with challenges, but Myrtle’s perseverance and proactive mindset have enabled her to surmount them. Seeking support, embracing personal growth, and maintaining a positive outlook can metamorphose challenges into opportunities for growth and triumph. Through adaptation, learning from setbacks, and resolute determination, one can conquer the hurdles that lie ahead.

Crafting Success through Experience

When supporting CEOs, executives, and solo entrepreneurs in elevating their personal and professional brands, Myrtle adopts a comprehensive approach that amalgamates valuable experience, best practices, case studies, and an adaptable mindset. Drawing from her own experiences, including both successes and failures, she imparts invaluable insights and lessons learned, guiding clients in crafting their brands effectively.

Myrtle equips her clients with proven best practices while showcasing successful strategies through case studies, all of which can be tailored to each client’s unique circumstances. In the dynamic Crypto and Blockchain industry, she advocates for experimentation and fresh approaches to maintain a competitive edge. Continuous research and study ensure that clients’ brands align with the ever-evolving demands of the market.

Working closely with her clients, Myrtle optimizes conversions, develops launch strategies, refines messaging, enhances user experience, and tracks performance using data analytics. By synergizing these elements, she empowers her clients to expand their brands, drive conversions, and achieve successful launches that propel growth and triumph in this fast-paced industry.

Elevating Brands to Global Prominence

Her proficiency in implementing strategic campaigns has garnered global media recognition for her clients. One noteworthy instance was the groundbreaking NFT metaverse event held at Okada Manila, Philippines, in 2022. With over 100 global companies and 1800 attendees, Myrtle leveraged her background in technology, PR, and marketing to craft a media campaign that secured coverage in prestigious media outlets.

Another client she collaborated with was a social impact organization committed to collaboration and sustainable development. Through compelling content and strategic partnerships, they gained exposure in renowned international publications like Cointelegraph, Forbes,, and more..

Offering comprehensive support, Myrtle capitalizes on her technological expertise to navigate the intricate landscape. She designs tailored PR strategies to amplify brand messages and employs her marketing knowledge to drive audience engagement. By integrating these elements, she provides clients with a cohesive and impactful brand presence, positioning them as thought leaders in the industry. Furthermore, she boosts their visibility through organic and paid channels, fostering business growth and success.

Approach to Branding and Marketing

As a branding and marketing expert, what sets her apart from others in the industry is her holistic perspective, strategic mindset, creative thinking, and emphasis on authenticity. Myrtle approaches branding and marketing comprehensively, considering all aspects of a client’s brand and ensuring alignment with their business goals.

With a strategic mindset, she delves into market research and trends to develop informed strategies that drive growth and differentiation. She also brings a creative and innovative approach, constantly exploring new ideas and unconventional methods to help clients stand out. Emphasizing authenticity, She works closely with clients to uncover their unique stories and express them genuinely, fostering deeper connections with their target audience.

Incorporating her skills as a business coach further enhances the value she provides to clients. By aligning goals and establishing clarity, she helps clients define their brand vision and connect it with their overall business objectives. Additionally, she provides accountability and progress tracking, ensuring clients stay on track and measure their success. Through a combination of branding expertise and coaching principles, she empowers clients to make informed decisions, drive growth, and build meaningful and authentic brands.

Myrtle recognizes and embraces her unique gifts, such as creativity, strategic thinking, and the ability to connect with people on a deeper level. These innate talents enable me to approach each project with fresh perspectives, innovative ideas, and a focus on fostering authentic connections with target audiences.

Perhaps most importantly, it is her love for what she does that drives her to exceed expectations. She genuinely cares about the success of her clients, and she is dedicated to making a positive impact on their brands and businesses. This love is reflected in the personal attention she gives to each project, her commitment to delivering high-quality work, and the genuine relationships she builds.

While others may possess similar skills, it is the combination of her effort, experience, gifts, and love that sets her apart. She strives to bring value to her clients, build meaningful partnerships, and positively contribute with results to the broader community.

Empowering Aspiring Entrepreneurs

To aspiring entrepreneurs looking to make a positive impact in their respective fields, she offers the following advice:

“Focus on building something that the world truly needs. Identify a problem or a gap in the market and work towards creating a solution that addresses it. By understanding the needs of your target audience and developing a product or service that adds value and solves real problems, you can position yourself for success and make a meaningful impact. 

Secondly, be resilient. Entrepreneurship is a journey filled with challenges and setbacks. It’s essential to develop a mindset that embraces failure as a learning opportunity and remains persistent in the face of obstacles. Adaptability, perseverance, and the ability to bounce back from setbacks are critical qualities that will help you navigate the entrepreneurial landscape and achieve your goals.

Prioritize innovation over copying others. While it’s natural to draw inspiration from successful businesses and entrepreneurs, the actual impact comes from creating something unique and original.”

She says, instead of merely replicating existing ideas or business models, strive to bring fresh perspectives and innovative solutions. Identify unmet needs or untapped opportunities within your industry and challenge yourself to think outside the box. This mindset of innovation allows you to differentiate yourself from competitors and make a lasting impact on your target audience. While drawing inspiration from others can be valuable, avoid copying what has already been done. Instead, leverage your unique skills, experiences, and perspectives to bring fresh ideas to life.

Believe in yourself and your vision. Entrepreneurship requires self-confidence and a strong belief in your abilities and ideas. Trust your instincts, follow your passion, and remain committed to your dream even when faced with skepticism or doubts from others. Your self-belief will be the driving force behind your entrepreneurial journey and will inspire others to believe in your mission.

In addition, seek to contribute to the betterment of humanity and empower others through your entrepreneurial journey. Consider the positive impact your business can have on individuals, communities, or the environment. Embrace a values-driven approach, focusing not only on financial success but also on social responsibility and sustainable practices. By aligning your business with a higher purpose, you can create a lasting impact beyond profits.

She further expressed, “We can make a positive impact by building what the world needs, cultivating resilience, believing in ourselves and their vision, and striving to contribute to the betterment of humanity. By following these principles, aspiring entrepreneurs can create successful ventures that not only drive personal fulfillment but also make a positive difference in the world.”

Raving Rewards

  • Joseph Kim, BabyShark BubbleFong Friends CEO.

“Block Tides have played a significant role in the recent successes of Baby Shark BubbleFong Friends.

During our Closed Beta Test event, Block Tides provided us with a gateway into the South East Asian market that has paid dividends since then.

We’ve seen over 35% organic growth in our Social Media and platform interaction since our partnership began.

Additionally, their kind community management and customer services have shaped a solid base for our community and project environment that we will continue to build on.

Overall, the Block Tides team has continuously shown professionalism, efficiency, and overall excellence throughout our partnership (both cooperative and individual work), and we look forward to all of the exciting things we will be able to do together in the future!”

  • Rommel Carlos, Arcus CEO, and Founder.

“As a project based in a developing country, it has been difficult for us to gain international recognition. We faced challenges in establishing connections, getting noticed, and raising funds. However, we were fortunate enough to collaborate with Block Tides, a renowned global public relations and marketing company that truly values its clients. Thanks to their efforts, our project Arcus has gained international prominence. We have successfully partnered with leading cryptocurrency projects, and it’s all thanks to Block Tides. Through their expertise in branding, public relations, and marketing campaigns, we have experienced significant growth and are delighted to be one of their valued partners.”

  • Jason Brink, President Gala Games.

“I have worked with Myrtle on several community-based initiatives in the Philippines and have always been impressed by her professionalism and ability to connect with her audience. She is wonderful, and I highly recommend her as a community partner in the blockchain space.”

Recognitions and Awards:

  • Raised $20m + for projects and companies
  • Invested in over 20 startups
  • Wiki Finance Expo Rising Businessperson of the Year 2023
  • Wiki Finance Expo Best Web 3 PR & Marketing 2023
  • Gazet International Award | Best PR & Marketing Agency 2023 – Block Tides
  • Grand Winner Canopus Award Vega Awards IAA | Best Cinematic Video | Top Leading Agency 2022
  • ABGA Top 20 Crypto Media 2022
  • 115 Most Inspirational Women of Web 3 and the Metaverse 2022 by Unstoppable Wow 3 powered by Unstoppable Domains
  • Gold Stevie Award Winner | Company of the Year for Advertising, Marketing & Public Relations | 2022
  • TADS Awards | NFT Innovation Rising Star Grand Winner 2022
  • Rising Women In Crypto Wirex Nominee | 2022
  • Nominated for TADS Awards 2022 | PlaceWar & Block Tides
  • Nominated for Vega Awards 2022 | Top Agencies Of The Year 2022 | Block Tides
  • Nominated for Crypto Media Asia and Women In Blockchain by CryptoAwards2022 by Finexpo
  • 50 Unstoppable Women Leaders of Today & Tomorrow by Engati, 2022
  • 101 Global Twitter Influencers to Follow for 2022 by Engati
  • Top 1 in both Crypto Media Asia and Women In Blockchain for CryptoAwards 2021 by Blockchain Fest Cyprus
  • Nominated Stevie International Awards 2021 for Best PR & Media for Block Tides
  • Top 50 WomenTech Community Award 2021.
  • Top 100 for Wirex Rising Women in Crypto Power List
  • Nominated for WeAreCity’s Rising Stars Global Awards 2021
  • Best PR of 2020 by Pitch Deck Asia
  • Top 1 Crypto Journalist 2019, Gurus Awards

Empowering Businesses through Technological Transformation and Global Impact

  • CEO and Founder of Block Tides
  • KOL of CoinMarketCap
  • Official Binance Live & Feed Creator
  • Forbes Business Council Official Member
  • Cointelegraph Innovation Circle Official Member

Myrtle Anne Ramos has helped hundreds of companies to benefit and transform their businesses to disrupt, adjust, or scale by utilizing the latest technological tools and products or helping to build from scratch.

Filipina serial entrepreneur and an angel investor. She is the Founder and CEO of the multi-awarded world-class company Block Tides. She is also the former Co-Founder of PlaceWar, which raised over $5.4 million in total for seed, private, and sales, with over 12 years of experience in technology, advisory, branding, marketing, public relations, business development, and growth in Blockchain, Web 3, Cryptocurrency & Metaverse in 2016. Myrtle Anne Ramos is the founder of the Award Winning Blockchain, Crypto, Defi, NFT, IoT, AI, and Metaverse PR Firm Block Tides (Marketing, Growth Hacking, Sales, Social Media Management, Giving opportunities to people, Media Distribution Services, Investor Relations, Public Relations) Official Member of Forbes Business Council, Official Influencer of CoinMarketCap. A scholar graduate of Draper University for Blockchain & Entrepreneurship powered by Tezos, she is currently an advisor for many Blockchain and Tech companies.

Global Advisory Board of the International Council of E-Commerce, along with being recognized by the endorsements of the US Federal Government, US Army, National Security Agency and the Committee on National Security Systems, the FBI, Microsoft, IBM, and the United Nations. EC-Council Advisory Board of CBP comprises well-known industry experts and top blockchain professionals from global brands across a diverse range of industries.

Myrtle Anne Ramos is a successful businesswoman and entrepreneur who works tirelessly to create success for herself and the communities she touches. She is passionate about creating a positive impact on the world through innovation, collaboration, hard work, and determination. Her professional career has included managing international companies, leading philanthropic projects, serving on nonprofit boards, and volunteering in her local community. Myrtle has a talent for inspiring and motivating others with her infectious positivity and willingness to help while constantly challenging her peers to strive for excellence. Her journey has been one of tenacity and unwavering faith in the power of making a difference in the world.

Myrtle Anne Ramos is also a revolutionary creative who works to bring people and nature back together. With a passion for creating beautiful things and helping people reconnect with their environment and each other, her projects touch on topics ranging from environmental justice to art-making. By using sustainable practices and materials to create works of art, Myrtle Anne encourages a deeper connection with the environment. She reminds us of our shared responsibility as custodians of the planet. From urban gardening to participatory art projects and social entrepreneurship, Myrtle Anne is dedicated to creating a movement that brings art, people, and nature together.

Myrtle Anne Ramos is a Brand and Marketing Strategist who partners with CEOs, executives, and solopreneurs to grow their personal and professional brands, human-to-human. After spending nearly a decade working in tech, PR, and marketing for multimillion-dollar brands and startups, Myrtle knows what drives conversions, sold-out launches, and Global interviews. Myrtle has landed coverage in print and broadcast outlets worldwide, including The Manila Times, Bloomberg, Cointelegraph, Benzinga, Tech Times,, and many more.

In addition to her extensive PR and marketing experience, Myrtle is a trained business coach.

Myrtle has helped hundreds of many social issues by donating and helping using events to donate to those who are in need. (e.g., Typhoon Ulysses, Earthquakes, Volcanic Eruptions and etc.) She raised plenty for donations alone and is giving away help during the COVID-19 Pandemic through her Block Tides Live Series.

Supervised 10000+ Media Publications. Worked with The Face magazine Vietnam, the #1 TV show in Vietnam Talkshow. We are a team of well-experienced marketers and PR heavily involved in blockchain technology.

Conducted over 60+ major successful Fintech and blockchain summits in Asia; Myrtle helped more than 500+ blockchain projects for PR, Marketing, Social Media Management, and Investor Relations and raised more than $50 million + in both local and international since 2016. Block Tides and its partners a golden bridge towards expanding the project globally in no time with our strategic partnership between Asia Token Fund and Block PR Asia.

Myrtle Anne Ramos is heavily connected with all Blockchain and mainstream media and is partnered with top-notch Blockchain, Tech, Fintech & Crypto events and companies globally.

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