Boundless Futures Foundation: Empowering Female Entrepreneurs

Boundless Futures
Boundless Futures

The Boundless Futures Foundation, a new private foundation, has been established to provide financial support and leadership resources to aspiring female entrepreneurs in the United States. The foundation aims to help female entrepreneurs start businesses that address social issues by offering them grants without any equity requirements. The founders of the foundation, Soon and McKeel Hagerty, believe in the power of female business leaders to make a positive impact on their families, communities, and society as a whole.

The foundation’s grants will support female entrepreneurs through two main programs:

Empower Grants: These grants, with amounts of up to $25,000, will be awarded to female entrepreneurs who are at least 22 years old and are in the early stages of starting a business that addresses a social issue or has a purpose-driven concept embedded in its business model.

Her Village Grants: Grants of up to $25,000 will be awarded to eligible 501(c)(3) organizations that benefit female entrepreneurs and support their growth and success.

In addition to financial support, the foundation will provide access to an Advisory Circle of seasoned female entrepreneurs who will offer leadership development, skills-building assistance, mentorship, and networking opportunities to support grant recipients.

The foundation’s goal is to empower young women to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams and to ensure that they are not alone on their journey. By providing capital, resources, and a supportive network, the Boundless Futures Foundation aims to help female entrepreneurs achieve their visions and drive positive, sustainable change in society.

The founders of the foundation, Soon and McKeel Hagerty, have a personal connection to entrepreneurship and understand the challenges and opportunities it presents. They hope to create a world where female entrepreneurs have equal access to resources and support for their entrepreneurial endeavors.

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