Mrs. Meenu Prasad: Exploring the Transformative Power of Self-Belief

Meenu Prasad
Meenu Prasad

How One Woman Achieved Remarkable Feats in the Fashion Industry from New Delhi to Qatar!

As our world becomes increasingly interconnected, the importance of knowledge has become paramount. In today’s society, having access to the right information is critical to achieving success. However, knowledge alone is not enough – it must be combined with creativity to make the most of it. Those who take the time to learn, explore, and use knowledge in a creative and innovative way will become more productive and effective.

Meenu is a firm believer in this concept. By learning, exploring, and transferring knowledge in a creative and innovative way, she believes that individuals can reach greater heights of success and productivity.

Hailing from New Delhi, Mrs. Meenu followed her heart and embraced her entrepreneurial spirit, a trait running through her veins. With a self-belief mantra, she has accomplished remarkable feats in her career, becoming the co-founder and head of Istituto di Moda Burgo in Qatar. Her success has seen the academy’s brand originate from Milan, the fashion capital of the world. Proudly, she is now co-director of the prestigious Istituto di Moda Burgo International Fashion Academy, a dream of many fashion enthusiasts.

From the time she was a teenager, Meenu’s journey in the fashion industry was underway. She had a deep love for fashion and found the way that clothes could make someone feel beautiful and confident to be fascinating. To further pursue this passion, Meenu earned a degree in fashion design from a distinguished university in India.

To expand her knowledge, Meenu worked with renowned fashion designers in India. This experience gave her a comprehensive understanding of the fashion industry, where creativity and innovation play a vital role in apparel design. With a desire to share her expertise, Meenu wanted to mentor and inspire aspiring fashion designers to become the next trendsetters.

Under her guidance, Istituto di Moda Burgo has become one of the most prestigious fashion schools in the region. The school has produced talented and innovative designers who have made their mark in the fashion industry. Meenu’s vision has always been to empower young designers to reach their full potential and create their own unique style.

Let us delve deeper into the wisdom and insights of Mrs. Meenu Prasad!

A Successful Fashion Devotee and Eternal Optimist

Mrs. Meenu is an eternal optimist and fashion devotee. Blessed with a beautiful daughter and married to a Qatar-based businessman, her love of dressing well has bloomed since childhood. In her teenage years, her passion for fashion intensified, and she decided to turn her dreams into reality. She achieved her goals by graduating with a Bachelor of Design in Fashion from India’s most esteemed fashion college, recognized by the Ministry of Textiles. She then furthered her studies, completing a master’s degree in the same field.

She has worked with many of the world’s most prestigious brands, including Tommy Hilfiger, Zara, Debenhams, and Ted Baker. She even had the incredible opportunity to work with Galeries Lafayette, one of the most revered buying houses based in Paris. She has also had the privilege of working with the Ministry Project back in her home country. In this role, she was a trainer and module in charge of fashion entrepreneurs’ training programs, offering her expertise to small and medium entrepreneurs. Her experience in the fashion industry has been a boon to many aspiring entrepreneurs who have benefited from her guidance and knowledge.

Inspired by her training programs, she yearned to take her knowledge even further and delve into the world of higher education. Eventually, she became one of the founding members of Istituto di Moda Burgo, the first Italian fashion institute in Qatar, and crafted several fashion curricula. To top it off, she also received guidance from Nottingham Trent University in the UK and served as a faculty member for a Fashion Department back in her home country.

An International Hub of Creative Training and Inspiration

Istituto di moda Burgo is one of the most renowned fashion schools in the world, with its main head office located in Milan, Italy, as well as several branches across the globe. One of the most recent and exciting branches to open is located in Qatar, which offers the chance for people in Qatar to access the same knowledge and expertise as those in Milan. Istituto di Moda Burgo is committed to providing the latest technical and non-technical knowledge about the ever-changing fashion world, with the aim of inspiring and empowering aspiring fashion designers and entrepreneurs to create bold and innovative fashion designs.

The Center is a beacon of international vocational training, a place where learners of all ages can come to hone their craft in the fashion field with the help of professional trainers from around the world. Their aim is to spread the wealth of knowledge and creativity to the fashion-loving community and offer the resources needed to thrive in this cutthroat industry.

Transforming Educational System with Burgo

As an optimist, she not only works as a manager but also strives to continuously improve the system for the betterment of staff and students. All curriculums are followed in line with the standards of the head office in Italy and are updated to meet the requirements of the country.

Expert trainers manage each subject in their international fashion programs, with her as the curriculum head overseeing the modules. Their best-selling, internationally accredited programs include Fashion Design, Fashion Stylist, and Dress Making — each with its own eligibility criteria and duration ranging from one to two years.

Burgo’s method of teaching is unique as it involves teaching individuals or small groups and using the best curriculum books, Modellismo & Figurino, authored by Mr. Fernando Burgo. The Institute for Fashion and Design offers adult training courses and summer fashion clubs for teenagers and has collaborated with several schools in Qatar to provide after-school activities. Recently, they arranged a fashion show for Hisense, an official partner of Qatar FIFA World Cup 2022, during a brand conference.

Experience the Latest Digital Advances in the Fashion World

Istituto di Moda Burgo understands the importance of staying up-to-date with the latest digital advances in the fashion world. Their head office and centers are fully equipped with the latest technology to help their students stay ahead of the curve.

Istituto di Moda Burgo’s Mac desktops boast the most up-to-date Photoshop Creative Cloud and Lectra software for digital fashion drafts and illustrations. They employ digital walls for analyzing presentations and fashion shows and have digital classrooms and conferences to enable remote learning. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, physical fashion shows are not feasible. Therefore, Istituto di Moda Burgo is imparting CLO3D education to help students stay connected to their studies. They strive to offer their students the latest technology and digital advancements to ensure they are always one step ahead of the competition.

Empowering the Future

Her career journey in the field of education was filled with learning, motivating experiences, and challenges. Despite facing difficulties along the way, she never gave up and kept pushing forward.

She believes that those who learn, explore, and transfer knowledge in an innovative way become more effective. To stay ahead of the curve, she continues to read books and attend seminars and workshops in order to upgrade her knowledge, especially within the ever-evolving fashion industry.

Her experience in the classroom has taught her the importance of work-life balance. Therefore, she takes time away from teaching to reconnect with her loved ones, which helps her stay focused and motivated. With her experience and knowledge, she is now ready to take her passion for fashion to the next level and empower the next generation of creative minds.

Empowering Individuals to Create a Better Future for All

For the past 15 years, Meenu has devoted her life to the cause of education and firmly believes that it is the cornerstone of creating a better world. Education is central to the success and fulfillment of our lives, providing us with the necessary knowledge and skills to succeed.

Meenu passionately supports education in various ways. She regularly organizes free workshops and seminars at open days to increase awareness and has partnered with special needs centers in Qatar, like Best Buddies, Shafallah, and Qatar Crescent, to not just raise awareness but also to make a tangible difference in the lives of those who need support.

Meenu believes that education can open up a world of possibilities. By investing in education and providing the necessary resources, she seeks to empower individuals and create a better future for everyone.

Empowering the Next Generation with Skill-Based Learning in the World’s Safest Country

As a leader in technical education in fashion, IMB Qatar is a pioneer in providing a skill-based approach to learning. With Qatar being the world’s most disciplined, safest, and culturally-rich country, IMB Qatar is proud to open its doors to students from all around the globe.

IMB Qatar’s mission is to revolutionize the fashion industry by providing world-class training and cultivating talented individuals from diverse backgrounds. They also invite industry leaders and brands to collaborate and support creatives in the field. Their ultimate goal is to create a digital cloud platform that will offer fashion enthusiasts around the world access to workshops, consultations, events, and top celebrity designers. This platform will transform the way we experience fashion, providing an array of resources and events that can be easily accessed at your fingertips.

An Achievers Journey of Prestigious Accomplishments

– She has received many prestigious awards, like several merit certifications in creative arts, in her entire schooling.

– Best design award in university fest.

– Worked on a government project initiated by MSME in India and trained many small and medium entrepreneurs.

– Certified in fashion and design assessment writing skills through training curated by Nottingham Trent University UK.

– Curated many workshops on Heya Arabian exhibition editions in Qatar.

– Completed many digital workshops for Al Huda modest fashion center in Dubai.

– Being a Jury Member in the past 3 editions of the Etno Moda Russian fashion festival 2019-2021

– Jury Member in Mrs.IWA Association in Qatar

– Mentor at Scale7 government incubation center in M7 Shereheb for fashion entrepreneurs in Qatar

– Mrs. India Global, and Global Ambassador for Mrs. India Earth 2021

– Conducted Various fashion activities in Qatari international schools.

– Supported Qatar sustainability week, the last two editions, and curated workshops in fashion sustainability concepts.

– Invited to do a seminar on local to international journeys as her school’s alumni in New Delhi, India

– Always supported the initiative done by the Doha Women Forum.

– Completed workshops on Indo-Western for IWA associations under the age of the Indian Embassy in Qatar.

– Completed a workshop in tie and dye related to Qatar in collaboration with the Sheikh Faisal Museum under the Embassy of America in Qatar.


  • Qatar has been a supporting partner in many major events in Qatar, like Heya Arabian exhibition editions, Qatar International Art Festival editions in Katara Cultural Village, and school teen winter camps.
  • The Al Huda Center for Modest Fashion in Dubai has named the Institute as a supporting modest fashion knowledge partner.
  • It is also awarded and appreciated by best buddies under the Shafallah government’s Center for Special Needs for curating workshops on the basics of fashion draping and sewing.
  • The institute has been recognized for its regular participation in fashion shows hosted by the head office in Milan, Italy.
  • IMB Qatar has also done many fashion and culture displays in Qatar, celebrating various years of culture in Qatar with different countries every year.
  • Recently, IMBQ has also done a project on an Arabic fashion show for the Hisense company’s conference, which was the official sponsor of Qatar’s FIFA World Cup 2022 on the day of the finals.
  • The Institute has also been appreciated by Sustainability Week Qatar for supporting sustainability in fashion and creating awareness of recycling, reuse, and reduction.
  • Since the field of fashion is more technical and skill-based, the institute has always been appreciated by the Doha Women’s Forum.

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